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The family of William Lotz and Ella D-Colorized
"The family of William (“Bim”) Lotz (1864-1943) and Ella D. (“Nell”) Hanley Lotz (1864-1934), posed for this three-generational photograph at San Jose, California, during the spring of 1933. In the top row standing, left to right, are Nellie Elizabeth Lotz Burleson (1904-1944) and her husband George W. Burleson; Ella D. (“Nell”) Hanley Lotz; Mildred Minaker (wife of Wesley Edward Lotz); William (“Bim”) Lotz; Wesley Edward Lotz (1896-1964); Ina May Patton Lotz (1905-1959, wife of “Bob” Lotz) holding their daughter Nathalie Ina ("Sallie") Lotz (Coleman, Dec. 1932 to 2009); and Robert Vincent Earl (“Bob”) Lotz (1900-1960). In the front row, seated, are Anna Elizabeth Spotswood Lotz (1899-1970) and her husband William Dervin (“Bill’) Lotz (1893-1958); Robert Willis Burleson (1926-2002), son of Nellie ElizabethLotz Burleson & George Willis Burleson; Mary Eileen (“Betty”) Knox (Gordon, 1922-1965), daughter of Alan Wooley Knox and Mary Irene Lotz Knox; Anna Jean Lotz (Sheets 1922-2013), daughter of Bill Lotz & Anna E. Spotswood Lotz; Alan Wooley Knox (1898-1979) & Mary Irene Lotz Knox (1898-1983)." Contributor: Bruce Garver (50130582)
Datum | 1933 |
Dateiname | The family of William Lotz and Ella D-Colorized.jpg |
Dateigröße | 420.78k |
Größe | 2123 x 1404 |
Verknüpft mit | George Willis BURLESON; Robert Willis BURLESON; Ella M HANLEY; Alan Wooley KNOX; Mary Eileen (“Betty”) KNOX; Anna Jean LOTZ; Mary Irene LOTZ; Nathalie May "Sallie" LOTZ; Nellie Elizabeth LOTZ; Robert Earl Vincent ("Bob") LOTZ; Wesley Edward LOTZ; William "Bim" M LOTZ; William Dervin LOTZ; Ina Margaret PATTEN; Anna Elizabeth SPOTSWOOD |
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