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Melba Eileen McCloskey Meyers

Melba Eileen McCloskey Meyers

Datum14 Nov 2001
DateinameMelba Eileen McCloskey Meyers.jpg
Größe250 x 164
TitelDiscs 3 & 4, JPEG #28: In the company of many relatives, Elizabeth Christine ("Lizzie") Lotz Wismeyer celebrated her 90th birthday on August 1, 1950, at her home on the corner of Franklin and “G” Streets in Hamilton, Ohio. Ruth E. Morton Garver made this photograph and identified all relatives appearing therein. In the top row, standing left to right, are Law Espich Kelly (1912-1990), husband of Mildred Ruth ("Milly") Wismeyer Kelly; Fred L. Meyers (1920-2001), husband of Melba Eileen McCloskey Myers; John Arthur Bippus (1901-1979), Chief of Police in Hamilton, Ohio); Lee William Garver (1904-1985); Howard Hill McCloskey (1887-1950), husband of Mabel and father of Bob, Dorothy & Melba; William Henry (“Willie") Wismeyer (1885-1957), brother of Mabel Marie Wismeyer McCloskey and father of Mildred & Irma, whose mother, and William’s first wife, Mellanie Bisdorf Wismeyer (1890-1918), died in the great influenza pandemic of 1918. Seated on the sofa arms in a 2nd row from the top, left to right, are brothers John Daniel Lotz (1872-1959) and Ernst Garfield Lotz (1880-1863), father of Daniel Lotz and husband of Ruth Pfund Lotz. Seated as a second row from the front on a chair and the sofa are Mildred Ruth ("Milly") Wismeyer Kelly (Mrs. Law Kelly) holding her daughter Patricia Lee ("Patty") Kelly (born in 1949); Edith Elizabeth Morton Bippus (kneeling, 1905-1988); Mabel Marie Wismeyer McCloskey (1887-1979), daughter of "Lizzie"; Elizabeth Christine ("Lizzie") Lotz Wismeyer (1860-1962); Emma Lotz Morton (1877-1962); Ruth L. Pfund Lotz (1892-1951, Mrs. Ernst Lotz); and Loretta Estella Lotz Allen (1906-1957), daughter and eldest child of Carl Wesley Lotz (1884-1960), the youngest brother of Lizzie, John, Eddie, Emma, and Ernst. Seated on the floor left to right are Irma Louise Wismeyer Neanover (1915-1999, daughter of "Willie" Wismeyer and younger sister of Mildred Ruth ("Milly") Wismeyer Kelly); and Melba Eileen McCloskey Meyers (1921-2001, Mrs. Fred Meyers). Also present at Lizzie Wismeyer's 90th birthday party but not pictured are Emma Lotz Morton (1877-1962); Emma's daughter Ruth E. Morton Garver (1907-2004) who made this photograph; Bruce Morton Garver and Ann Clifton Garver (Bell); Carl Wesley Lotz, Lizzie's youngest brother, and his wife, Anna Graff Lotz; and Edgar C. Wismeyer (1899 -1954), the youngest son of Lizzie Lotz Wismeyer and Christian Wismeyer (1861-1913).
Verknüpft mitMelba Eileen MCCLOSKEY

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