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Alberta Helena CARLOW (I18468)

Alberta Helena CARLOW (I18468)

weiblich 1923 - 2014  (90 Jahre)

Angaben zur Person    |    Stammbaum    |    Medien    |    Quellen    |    Ereignis-Karte    |    Alle

    Name Alberta Helena CARLOW  [1, 2
    Geburt 23 Nov 1923  Old Town, Penobscot, Maine, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort  [2
    Geschlecht weiblich 
    Tod 17 Apr 2014  Old Town, Penobscot, Maine, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort  [3
    • OLD TOWN - Alberta Carlow Stevens, 90, wife of the late George “Bud” Stevens, passed away on April 17th, 2014. She was a graduate of Old Town High School, and a dedicated and wonderful homemaker all of her 67 years of married life to Bud. Her life was centered around her family which consisted of two sons, Rusty and George “Buddy” Stevens, 5 grandsons, and 12 great-grandchildren. She was a member of the Congregational Church of Milford where she served as a Sunday school teacher for 32 years. Her most enjoyable times were spent at the Steven’s Family Camp on Cold Stream Pond in Enfield with her ever growing family. Activities she loved included fishing, climbing Mount Katahdin, canoeing, and golfing. She loved to entertain her family by cooking wonderful meals at home as well as at camp. Her husband of 67 years, George ”Bud” Stevens predeceased her in 2008. She is survived by her two sons, George “Buddy” Stevens Jr. and his wife Janet of Westborough Mass., Brian “Rusty” Stevens and his wife Vicky of Cape Elizabeth, ME; 5 grandsons, Mark, Jon, Chris, Scott and Sean Stevens; 12 great-grandchildren; two sisters, Orisa O’Keefe, and Edna Bolen; and one brother, Richard Carlow. A Memorial Service will be held on Saturday, May 3, 2014 at 12pm at the First Congregational Church in Milford in the sanctuary followed by refreshments in the activity room. In lieu of flowers donations may be made in Alberta’s memory to Crossroads Ministries, 2 Wood Street, Old Town, ME 04468, or may also be made to the charity of your choice. Funeral arrangements are under the care and guidance of Birmingham Funeral Home, 438 Main St., Old Town. Notes of condolence may be expressed to the family at
    Obituary 21 Apr 2014  Maine, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort 
    Referenznummer 24228 
    Age at Death 90 Jahre 
    Aufenthaltsort 1935 - Bradley, Penobscot, Maine, USA  Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort
    1940 - Bradley, Penobscot, Maine, USA  Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort
    3 Jul 1941 - Bradley, Penobscot, Maine, USA  Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort [2]
    Personen-Kennung I18468  KLERC

    Vater Everett Leland CARLOW,   geb. 3 Mrz 1891, Easton, Aroostook, Maine, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ortgest. 15 Mrz 1986, Bradley, Penobscot, Maine, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort (Alter 95 Jahre) 
    Beziehung Leiblich 
    Mutter Verna Kathaleen DAVIS,   geb. 1 Okt 1898, Mattawamkeag, Penobscot, Maine, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ortgest. 29 Jan 1967, Bradley, Penobscot, Maine, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort (Alter 68 Jahre) 
    Beziehung Leiblich 
    Eheschließung 12 Sep 1913  York, New Brunswick, Canada Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort 
    Familien-Kennung F6626  Familienblatt  |  Familientafel

    Familie George Allen STEVENS, Sr,   geb. 8 Dez 1920, Old Town, Penobscot, Maine, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ortgest. 6 Okt 2008, Old Town, Penobscot, Maine, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort (Alter 87 Jahre) 
    Eheschließung 3 Jul 1941  Maine, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort  [1
    >  1. männlich Buddy STEVENS  [Vater: Leiblich]  [Mutter: Leiblich]
    >  2. männlich Rusty STEVENS  [Vater: Leiblich]  [Mutter: Leiblich]
    Familien-Kennung F6629  Familienblatt  |  Familientafel
    Zuletzt bearbeitet am 23 Mrz 2025 

  • Stammbaum
    1Alberta Helena CARLOW(1923 – 2014)
    2Everett Leland CARLOW(1891 – 1986)
    4Phillip Harrison CARLOW(1861 – 1940)
    8Benjamin Walter CARLOW(1830 – 1905)
    9Sarah Caroline CLINE(1831 – 1908)
    5Laura Etta MORRISEY(1866 – 1925)
    10William Alvin MORAISEY(1831 – 1899)
    11Sarah Jane BAILEY(1834 – 1912)
    3Verna Kathaleen DAVIS(1898 – 1967)

  • Ereignis-Karte
    Link zu Google MapsGeburt - 23 Nov 1923 - Old Town, Penobscot, Maine, USA Link zu Google Earth
    Link zu Google MapsAufenthaltsort - 1935 - Bradley, Penobscot, Maine, USA Link zu Google Earth
    Link zu Google MapsAufenthaltsort - 1940 - Bradley, Penobscot, Maine, USA Link zu Google Earth
    Link zu Google MapsAufenthaltsort - 3 Jul 1941 - Bradley, Penobscot, Maine, USA Link zu Google Earth
    Link zu Google MapsEheschließung - 3 Jul 1941 - Maine, USA Link zu Google Earth
    Link zu Google MapsTod - 17 Apr 2014 - Old Town, Penobscot, Maine, USA Link zu Google Earth
    Link zu Google MapsObituary - 21 Apr 2014 - Maine, USA Link zu Google Earth
     = Link zu Google Earth 

  • Fotos
    Alberta Helena Carlow

  • Quellen 
    1. [S1750], Maine, Marriage Index, 1892-1996, (Name: Name: Operations Inc; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2003;;).

    2. [S890], U.S., School Yearbooks, 1900-1990, (Name: Name: Operations, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date: 2010;;), "U.S., School Yearbooks, 1880-2012"; Year: 1941.

    3. [S276] Obituaries, Obit Alberta Carlow Stevens.
      OLD TOWN - Alberta Carlow Stevens, 90, wife of the late George “Bud” Stevens, passed away on April 17th, 2014. She was a graduate of Old Town High School, and a dedicated and wonderful homemaker all of her 67 years of married life to Bud. Her life was centered around her family which consisted of two sons, Rusty and George “Buddy” Stevens, 5 grandsons, and 12 great-grandchildren. She was a member of the Congregational Church of Milford where she served as a Sunday school teacher for 32 years. Her most enjoyable times were spent at the Steven’s Family Camp on Cold Stream Pond in Enfield with her ever growing family. Activities she loved included fishing, climbing Mount Katahdin, canoeing, and golfing. She loved to entertain her family by cooking wonderful meals at home as well as at camp. Her husband of 67 years, George ”Bud” Stevens predeceased her in 2008. She is survived by her two sons, George “Buddy” Stevens Jr. and his wife Janet of Westborough Mass., Brian “Rusty” Stevens and his wife Vicky of Cape Elizabeth, ME; 5 grandsons, Mark, Jon, Chris, Scott and Sean Stevens; 12 great-grandchildren; two sisters, Orisa O’Keefe, and Edna Bolen; and one brother, Richard Carlow. A Memorial Service will be held on Saturday, May 3, 2014 at 12pm at the First Congregational Church in Milford in the sanctuary followed by refreshments in the activity room. In lieu of flowers donations may be made in Alberta’s memory to Crossroads Ministries, 2 Wood Street, Old Town, ME 04468, or may also be made to the charity of your choice. Funeral arrangements are under the care and guidance of Birmingham Funeral Home, 438 Main St., Old Town. Notes of condolence may be expressed to the family at

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