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Harold George SCHMERSE

Harold George SCHMERSE (I8608)

männlich 1911 - 2011  (100 Jahre)

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    Name Harold George SCHMERSE  [1
    Geburt 1 Apr 1911  Orangeville, Stephenson, Illinois, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort  [1
    Geschlecht männlich 
    Referenznummer LAN-13665 
    Tod 24 Nov 2011  Durand, Winnebago, Illinois, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort  [1
    Beerdigung Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens, Freeport, Stephenson, Illinois, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort  [1
    GS Harold G Schmerse
    Aufenthaltsort Durand, Illinois, USA  Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort [1]
    1920 - Marital Status: Single; Relation to Head of House: Son [1]
    1992 - Durand, Winnebago, Illinois, USA  Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort [1]
    Personen-Kennung I8608  KLERC

    Vater Gustav Heinrich SCHMERSE,   geb. 17 Mrz 1873, Dechsel (Deszczno), Lubuskie, Poland Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ortgest. 1 Nov 1958, Monroe, Green, Wisconsin, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort (Alter 85 Jahre) 
    Beziehung natural 
    Mutter Mary Louisa WOLFF,   geb. 18 Dez 1878, Germany Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ortgest. 27 Apr 1927, Monroe, Green, Wisconsin, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort (Alter 48 Jahre) 
    Beziehung natural 
    Familien-Kennung F2797  Familienblatt  |  Familientafel

    Gatte / Gattin Pauline PECK,   geb. 9 Dez 1912   gest. 20 Jan 2004, Freeport, Stephenson, Illinois, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort (Alter 91 Jahre) 
    Eheschließung 28 Feb 1934  Orangeville, Stephenson, Illinois, USA Suche alle Personen mit Ereignissen an diesem Ort 
    Familien-Kennung F3953  Familienblatt  |  Familientafel
    Zuletzt bearbeitet am 27 Feb 2025 

  • Stammbaum
    1Harold George SCHMERSE(1911 – 2011)
    2Gustav Heinrich SCHMERSE(1873 – 1958)
    4Hermann Heinrich SCHMERSE(1846 – 1925)
    8Friedrich Ludwig SCHMERSE(1806 – um 1876)
    9Karoline Wilhelmine HENTSCHKE(um 1810 – um 1875)
    5Louise Maria Bertha GROSSMANN(1844 – 1932)
    3Mary Louisa WOLFF(1878 – 1927)

  • Ereignis-Karte
    Link zu Google MapsGeburt - 1 Apr 1911 - Orangeville, Stephenson, Illinois, USA Link zu Google Earth
    Link zu Google MapsEheschließung - 28 Feb 1934 - Orangeville, Stephenson, Illinois, USA Link zu Google Earth
    Link zu Google MapsAufenthaltsort - 1992 - Durand, Winnebago, Illinois, USA Link zu Google Earth
    Link zu Google MapsTod - 24 Nov 2011 - Durand, Winnebago, Illinois, USA Link zu Google Earth
     = Link zu Google Earth 

  • Fotos
    GS Harold G Schmerse

  • Notizen 
    • 6. Harold George Schmerse born 1 Apr 1911, Orangeville, Illinois, Farmer, married 28 Feb 1934, in Orangeville, Illinois, Pauline
      Peck, born 9 Dec 1912. Harold was born on the old homestead, he arrived just in time to help with the spring works. His brown eyes
      and brown hair, he went to Brush Creek Grade School with the rest of us. As a kid he was never as strong as the rest of us, so the folks
      decided to send him to high school. He rode horse back for 3 ½ miles each way. After the second year he discovered he was smelling
      horsey and the girls didn't take to it, so he quit high school shortly after Mother passed away, and Harold was made chief cook, and he
      held that position until Dad married Martha. It wasn't too long until he left home, and for 4 years he worked for W.R.Angle, and he
      discovered a cute gal, and hang it all they
      were married and moved on Dad's farm. This was in the heart of the great depression and
      the dollar was about the size of the moon. We all went thru these years. They farmed 2 years and bought a blacksmith shop and sold
      Massey Harris machinery. Later they moved to a farm at Durand, Illinois, which they had made into a super farm and show place. Their
      son and Betty bought the home place (in 1981), that hard work, sweat, and bitter tears as well as much joy and happiness built as
      their heritage to their family. Harold and his grandson Tim started "Schmerse Lawn & Garden", a small store and shop, where they sell
      lawn and garden equipment, chainsaws and trimmers and do all kind of repair works. As a hobby, Harold has a collection of over forty
      old gasoline engines, ranging from one horsepower to six horsepower. Some of them are quite old, the oldest is a 1903.
      307 W Main Street, Durand, IL 610249581,

  • Quellen 
    1. [S33] Ancestry Family Trees, (Name: Name: Name: Name: Name: Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.;;;;;;), Database online.
      Record for Gustave Henry Schmerse

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