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Obit Wayne Struve Boutell

Wayne Boutell, one of the most popular professors in the Haas School of Business, died of cancer at his home in Kensington on March 12, 1996. He was born in Chicago on February 20, 1920, and moved to Los Angeles at an early age, graduated from high school there, then attended the University of Southern California for two years. He then transferred to the University of Chicago Law School where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1941. The following year he married Yvonne Martin. She and daughters, Kim and Leslie, and sons, Peter and Russell, along with eleven grandchildren survive him.Wayne spent four years in the U.S. Navy, including service as a pilot on anti-submarine patrol in the Atlantic and off North Africa. After the war, he earned an M.B.A. degree at night from the University of Chicago while pursuing a highly successful career in public accounting, rising to the position of partner in charge of taxation, then auditing, in the Chicago office of a national C.P.A. firm. He

Datum08.10.2018 10:23:54
DateinameObit Wayne Struve Boutell.JPG
Größe910 x 304
Verknüpft mitProfessor Emeritus at U.C. Berkeley Wayne Struve BOUTELL (Tod)

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