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Obit Rev. Richard F. Lewer
CUMBERLAND – Rev. Richard Frederick Lewer, age 80, of Cumberland, passed away on Wednesday, January 17, 2018 at Community Hospital East. He was born on April 27, 1937 in Raymondville, TX, the son of Fred and Olga (Fette) Lewer. He graduated from Concordia Teachers College in River Forest, IL. In 1960, he married Nancy (Buhrdorf) of Chicago, IL.theran School in Harlingen, TX. He taught there for 11 ½ years, after which time he moved to Springfield, IL to attend Concordia Theological Seminary to study for the ministry. He graduated in 1974 and was ordained at his first parish, Trinity Lutheran Church, in Columbia, TN. Richard served three other parishes: Christ Lutheran Church in Wathena, KS, Faith Lutheran Church in Forrest City, AR, and St. John Lutheran Church in Lafe, AR. He retired in 2000. During retirement, he served as vacancy pasto
Datum | 05.06.2018 10:29:54 |
Dateiname | Obit Rev. Richard F. Lewer.JPG |
Dateigröße | 108.44k |
Größe | 579 x 573 |
Verknüpft mit | Rev. Rev. Richard Frederick LEWER (Tod) |
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