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children of William and Margarethe Cloos Lotz-Colorized
Seated left to right) are Wilhelm Lotz (1878-1954) and his brother Heinrich Friedrich Lotz, born in 1887. Standing left to right are sisters, Luise Katherina Lotz Zipp (1892-1969) and Margarethe Luise Lotz Förster (1881-1963), and their brother, Julius Lotz, born in 1889.Photo courtesy of Lotz cousin, Bruce Morton Garver.
Datum | 30 Juni 1953 |
Dateiname | children of William and Margarethe Cloos Lotz-Colorized.jpg |
Dateigröße | 80.82k |
Größe | 763 x 644 |
Verknüpft mit | Heinrich Friedrich LOTZ; Julius LOTZ; Luise Katharina LOTZ; Margarethe Luise LOTZ |
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