David Hinsey Morton
Datum | 11 Feb 1914 |
Dateiname | David Hinsey Morton.jpg |
Dateigröße | 22.84k |
Größe | 250 x 347 |
Titel | Discs 3 &4, JPEG #73: This larger photo was made from same ngative as JPEG #2 of Discs 3 & 4: David Hinsey Morton posed for this photograph at age 21 in 1900, the year before his marriage to Emma Lotz on June 27, 1901, at the German Methodist Church on 230 South Front Street in Hamilton, Ohio. According to David's daughter, Ruth Ernestine Morton Garver, (1907-2004), David Hinsey Morton and his brother William Welsh Lewis Morton (1871-1931) were respectively named after their grandmothers Rebecca Hinsey Morton (1781-1850) and Rebecca Jane Welsh Morton. Rebecca Hinsey Morton (1781-1850). was the wife of Ebenezer Morton (Jan. 1, 1812, in Delaware, to Jan. 17, 1861, in Ohio). Rebecca Jane Welsh Morton (August 4, 1765, to December 18, 1844), was the daughter of William Welsh and Ann Morton. Circa 1799 in Delaware, Rebecca Jane Welsh married David Morton, one of the patriot soldiers who fought to achieve the independence of the United States. |
Verknüpft mit | David Hinsey MORTON |