401 |
S9156 | Deutschland, Heiraten, 1558-1929 Ancestry.com |
402 |
S12019 | Deutschland, Hessen, Standesbücher 1874-1927 FamilySearch.org |
403 |
S12020 | Deutschland, Hessen-Nassau, Personenstandsregister und Kirchenbücher 1701-1875 FamilySearch.org |
404 |
S9116 | Deutschland, im Kampf gefallene Soldaten, 1939-1948 Ancestry.com |
405 |
S8011 | Deutschland, im Kampf gefallene Soldaten, 1939-1948 Ancestry.com |
406 |
S9737 | Deutschland, Preußen, Brandenburg und Posen, ausgewählte Kirchenbuchduplikate, 1794-1874 Ancestry.com |
407 |
S12018 | Deutschland, Rheinland-Pfalz, Diözese Mainz, Katholische Kirchenbücher, 1540-1952 FamilySearch.org |
408 |
S11338 | Deutschland, Sachsen-Anhalt, Halberstadt, Zivilstandsregister, 1874-1982 FamilySearch.org |
409 |
S9991 | Deutschland, Telefonbuchindizes, 2001 und 2003 Ancestry.com |
410 |
S12103 | Deutschland, Tote und Beerdigungen, 1582-1958 Ancestry.com |
411 |
S9285 | Deutschland, Tote und Beerdigungen, 1582-1958 Ancestry.com |
412 |
S8078 | Deutschland, Verlustlisten der Marine, 1914-1919 Ancestry.com |
413 |
S11396 | Deutschland, Volksbund, Indizes von Kriegsopfern, 1. und 2. Weltkrieg, 1870-1955 Ancestry.com |
414 |
S12280 | Die Maus Bremen |
415 |
S794 | Die verlorenen Orte des Kreises Delitzsch Manfred Wilde |
416 |
S458 | Diesterweg-Sammetinger-Knetsch Web Site Wilfried Diesterweg |
417 |
S12061 | District of Columbia Deaths and Burials, 1840-1964 FamilySearch.org |
418 |
S847 | District of Columbia, Compiled Marriage Index, 1830-1921 Ancestry.com |
419 |
S942 | District of Columbia, Marriage Records, 1810-1953 Ancestry.com |
420 |
S3197 | District of Columbia, Marriage Records, 1810-1953 Ancestry.com |
421 |
S2086 | District of Columbia, Select Births and Christenings, 1830-1955 Ancestry.com |
422 |
S2087 | District of Columbia, Select Deaths and Burials Index, 1769-1960 Ancestry.com |
423 |
S336 | District of Columbia, Select Deaths and Burials, 1840-1964 Ancestry.com |
424 |
S3202 | DNA Match |
425 |
S8224 | Dresden, Deutschland, Geburtsregister, 1876-1907 Ancestry.com |
426 |
S9271 | Dresden, Deutschland, Geburtsregister, 1876-1907 Ancestry.com |
427 |
S9265 | Dresden, Deutschland, Heiratsregister, 1876-1927 Ancestry.com |
428 |
S12113 | Dresden, Deutschland, Heiratsregister, 1876-1927 Ancestry.com |
429 |
S9272 | Dresden, Deutschland, Kirchliche Wochenzettel, 1685-1879 Ancestry.com |
430 |
S9269 | Dresden, Deutschland, Sterberegister, 1876-1957 Ancestry.com |
431 |
S705 | Dresden, Germany, Births, 1876-1902 Ancestry.com |
432 |
S41 | Dresden, Germany, Births, 1876-1902 Ancestry.com |
433 |
S1553 | Dresden, Germany, Births, 1876-1902 Ancestry.com |
434 |
S1535 | Dresden, Germany, Deaths, 1876-1952 Ancestry.com |
435 |
S675 | Dresden, Germany, Deaths, 1876-1952 Ancestry.com |
436 |
S42 | Dresden, Germany, Deaths, 1876-1952 Ancestry.com |
437 |
S40 | Dresden, Germany, Marriages, 1876-1922 Ancestry.com |
438 |
S1554 | Dresden, Germany, Marriages, 1876-1922 Ancestry.com |
439 |
S674 | Dresden, Germany, Marriages, 1876-1922 Ancestry.com |
440 |
S422 | duPre Web Site Jan du Pré |
441 |
S4426 | E-Mail |
442 |
S10184 | E-Mail Hanna Barckhan |
443 |
S450 | E-Mail Nenderother Kirchenbuch D.Pfeiffer |
444 |
S868 | E-Mail vom Nina Bishop Nina Bishop |
445 |
S2075 | E-Mail-Nachricht Horst Dürr |
446 |
S2136 | E-Mail-Nachricht Johann Lüschen Johann Lüschen |
447 |
S3194 | E-Mail-Nachricht Lutz Peter |
448 |
S2015 | E-Mail-Nachricht Margret Seidig Margret Seidig |
449 |
S496 | E-Mail-Nachricht Niki Cliffort Niki Cliffort |
450 |
S2206 | e-Mail-Nachricht Werner Heep Werner Heep |