"Personen-Kennung","Vollständiger Name","Alias Name","Beruf: Datum","Beruf","Geburtsdatum","Sterbedatum","Verwandschaftsgrad","Stammbaum" "I31831","Jan Jozua BARENDSEN","","zwischen 1910 und 1913","Leutnant","11 Sep 1882","2 Okt 1944","5th cousin 2x removed","KLERC" "I31831","Jan Jozua BARENDSEN","","zwischen 1940 und 1944","Widerstandskämpfer","11 Sep 1882","2 Okt 1944","5th cousin 2x removed","KLERC" "I509","Eva Mae BECKER","","","Ballarina","2 Dez 1922","13 Dez 1995","4th cousin 1x removed","KLERC" "I446","Karl Frederick BECKER","","","Violinist","2 Jun 1880","8 Apr 1933","3th cousin 2x removed","KLERC" "I21366","Klaus BUDZINSKI","","","deutscher Journalist und Autor","6 Dez 1921","28 Okt 2016","Husband of 4th Cousin, 2x removed","KLERC" "I30880","Hermann Otto Willi BÜRGEL","","1946","Gründer der Bekleidungsfirma „delmod“","4 Feb 1912","1989","1st cousin 1x removed of husband of 2nd great-aunt","KLERC" "I1687","Robert Clough DANLY","","1922","CEO Danly Machine Specialties","8 Apr 1871","15 Dez 1938","husband of 5th cousin 1x removed","KLERC" "I1685","James Clough DANLY","","","CEO of Danly Machine Corporation","21 Mai 1916","15 Okt 2005","6th cousin","KLERC" "I32624","Maximilian ECKART","","20 Sep 1870","Goldschmied in Christian's Jewelry shop at 62 Beretania St.","7 Feb 1842","9 Apr 1918","Father-in-law of 3rd great-uncle","KLERC" "I16326","Ludwig Heinrich Philipp HATZFELD","","zwischen 1870 und 1874","Dekanatsverwalter","1 Mai 1810","7 Mai 1884","6th cousin 2x removed","KLERC" "I16326","Ludwig Heinrich Philipp HATZFELD","","zwischen 1842 und 1846","Pfarrvikar","1 Mai 1810","7 Mai 1884","6th cousin 2x removed","KLERC" "I16326","Ludwig Heinrich Philipp HATZFELD","","zwischen 1838 und 1842","Pfarrvikar","1 Mai 1810","7 Mai 1884","6th cousin 2x removed","KLERC" "I16326","Ludwig Heinrich Philipp HATZFELD","","zwischen 1846 und 1854","Pfarrer","1 Mai 1810","7 Mai 1884","6th cousin 2x removed","KLERC" "I16326","Ludwig Heinrich Philipp HATZFELD","","zwischen 1865 und 1870","Pfarrer","1 Mai 1810","7 Mai 1884","6th cousin 2x removed","KLERC" "I16326","Ludwig Heinrich Philipp HATZFELD","","zwischen 1854 und 1865","Pfarrer","1 Mai 1810","7 Mai 1884","6th cousin 2x removed","KLERC" "I16326","Ludwig Heinrich Philipp HATZFELD","","1848","Politiker","1 Mai 1810","7 Mai 1884","6th cousin 2x removed","KLERC" "I20972","Eva Anne-Marie HOLLAENDER","","","Schauspielerin","22 Apr 1895","UNKNOWN","Wife of Husband of 3rd Cousin, 3x removed","KLERC" "I15859","Leonhard HÖRPEL","","","Lehrer","12 Feb 1887","13 Jul 1954","5th cousin 1x removed","KLERC" "I32300","Werner KREMS","","","Schauspieler","","UNKNOWN","No","KLERC" "I5235","August Hugo LANDGRAF, Sr","","3 Apr 1910","","22 Dez 1861","7 Sep 1945","3rd Great-Uncle","KLERC" "I5959","William Frederick LUDWIG, II","William ""Billy"" Max Ludwig","","The Ludwig Drums Factory","13 Sep 1916","22 Mrz 2008","6th cousin","KLERC" "I11986","William Frederick LUDWIG, Sr","","1923","The Ludwig Factory","15 Jul 1879","Jul 1973","5th cousin 1x removed","KLERC" "I28288","Wilhelm Carl Hermann LÜTZOW","","zwischen 1901 und 1930","Pfarrer","1 Aug 1867","2 Mai 1933","husband of 1st cousin 6x removed of wife of 7th great-uncle","KLERC" "I28288","Wilhelm Carl Hermann LÜTZOW","","zwischen 1901 und 1930","Pfarrer, auch in Schmöckwitz, Berlin, Berlin, Germany","1 Aug 1867","2 Mai 1933","husband of 1st cousin 6x removed of wife of 7th great-uncle","KLERC" "I6634","Granville Lee NEWMAN","","","","29 Jun 1925","1 Sep 1984","husband of 4th cousin 1x removed","KLERC" "I26308","Johan Gerard PHAFF","","1971","Journalist, Herausgeber ""vrij nederland""","7 Feb 1933","4 Mrz 1973","6th cousin 1x removed","KLERC" "I20971","Andreas RASP","","zwischen 1955 und 1984","Lehrer am Englischen Institut","7 Jul 1921","18 Jul 2013","Stepson of 3rd Cousin, 3x removed","KLERC" "I20971","Andreas RASP","","zwischen 1952 und 1955","Lehrer am Landerziehungsheim Marienau","7 Jul 1921","18 Jul 2013","Stepson of 3rd Cousin, 3x removed","KLERC" "I20971","Andreas RASP","","zwischen 1944 und 1952","Lehrtätigkeit an mehreren Schulen","7 Jul 1921","18 Jul 2013","Stepson of 3rd Cousin, 3x removed","KLERC" "I20970","Renate RASP","Renate Rasp-Budzinski","","Schriftstellerin","3 Jan 1935","21 Jul 2015","4th Cousin, 2x removed","KLERC" "I20969","Fritz Heinrich RASP","","","deutscher Schauspieler und Hörspielsprecher","13 Mai 1891","30 Nov 1976","Husband 3rd Cousin, 3x removed","KLERC" "I12422","August Ludwig RÜHLE","","","Mundart- und Heimatdichter","19 Jun 1895","13 Apr 1967","3rd cousin 1x removed","KLERC" "I12422","August Ludwig RÜHLE","",""," kaufmännischen Revisionsabteilung der Stadtverwaltung","19 Jun 1895","13 Apr 1967","3rd cousin 1x removed","KLERC" "I12422","August Ludwig RÜHLE","","","Wirtschaftsprüfer bei internationalen Unternehmen","19 Jun 1895","13 Apr 1967","3rd cousin 1x removed","KLERC" "I9214","Anna Mae SCHOONOVER","","1939","Miss Washington 1939","9 Feb 1917","23 Aug 2016","Wife of 6th cousin","KLERC" "I32303","Melanie STEIN","","","Sängerin","7 Mrz 1884","1961","Wife of Husband of 3rd Cousin, 3x removed","KLERC" "I22464","Harold John (Johann) STROEHMANN, Sr","""Frosty"" Stroehmann","","president of Stroehmann Brothers Co., bakers","25 Sep 1902","24 Jan 1954","5th cousin 2x removed","KLERC" "I22463","Carl Friedrich STROEHMANN","","","Stroehmann Brothers Co., bakers","8 Aug 1896","16 Feb 1989","5th cousin 2x removed","KLERC" "I15068","Friedrich Gottfried STRÖHMANN","Fred G. Stroehmann","um 1880","Bäcker","3 Aug 1866","7 Mai 1943","4th cousin 3x removed","KLERC" "I15068","Friedrich Gottfried STRÖHMANN","Fred G. Stroehmann","Apr 1892","Stroehmanns Wiener Bäckerei","3 Aug 1866","7 Mai 1943","4th cousin 3x removed","KLERC" "I32151","Jan Willem VAN NOUHUIJS","Jan Willem van Nouhuys","zwischen 1915 und 1934","Museumsdirektor","28 Dez 1869","11 Apr 1963","Husband of 5th cousin 2x removed","KLERC" "I32151","Jan Willem VAN NOUHUIJS","Jan Willem van Nouhuys","zwischen 1894 und 2 Mrz 1915","Niederländischer Marineoffizier","28 Dez 1869","11 Apr 1963","Husband of 5th cousin 2x removed","KLERC" "I32171","Martin Frederick VUERHARD","Martin Varno","","Drehbuchautor","9 Aug 1936","24 Jun 2014","7th cousin","KLERC" "I32172","Marianna Jillian VUERHARD","Jill Varno, Jill Vuerhard, Jill Taggart","","Tonmeisterin","27 Sep 1940","UNKNOWN","7th cousin","KLERC" "I32132","Jacob Frederik VUERHARD","Roland Varno, James Frederick Vuerhard","zwischen 1928 und 1959","Actor","15 Mrz 1908","24 Mai 1996","6th cousin 1x removed","KLERC" "I11153","Artur ZIPP","","zwischen 1962 und 2000","Inhaber (Unternehmer) und Gesch.führer der Fa. Weber GmbH & Co. KG","22 Sep 1930","22 Nov 2019","6th cousin 1x removed","KLERC"