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Christian Pfaff of 520 Sixth street died suddenly Tuesday morning at about 9:30 o'clock following an illness of only a few minutes. Mr. Pfaff had been at Abeicht's Grocery on the corner of Sixth and Warren street and was returning to his home when he was stricken with apoplexy after he had left the store only a short distance. He died before medical assistance could be summoned living only a few minutes after he was stricken. Mr. Pfaff's death will come as a shock to his many friends, because although he has been ailing for sometime, he was able to be out as usual.
The deceased was born in Bavaria, Germany, and would have been 69 years old on September first. He was the son on Mr. and Mrs. John Pfaff, both deceased. At the age of one year he came to this country with his parents and after arriving in the United States he came immediately to Marietta where he had lived ever since. He was a member of the Red Men Order and had at one time taken an active part in the work of the Organization. On February 5th, 1880, he was united in marriage to Miss Kate Bules, who survives him.
Besides his widow he is survived by three children: Mrs. Robert Gossett and Irvine Pfaff, both of this city, and Edgar L. Pfaff, of Toledo, O. Surviving also are three brothers, Jacob, David and John Pfaff, all of Marietta, and one sister, Mrs. George Cook of Cincinnati.
The remains were prepared for burial by the Doudna-McClure Undertakers. Funeral arrangements have not been completed.